Sunday, April 8, 2007

Reiki - The healing touch

Reiki is an intangible force that is hard to be described in words. It is a healing energy that is best experienced for oneself. Someone who is being treated with reiki might experience a spectrum of sensations ranging from e.g. hot to cold, or vibration to even "no feeling". Yes, you might experience absolutely no sensation at all but this has no bearings whatsoever. If you are being healed by someone properly attuned, reiki *is* passing through you and healing you.

Practitioners believe that they are accessing power from a higher source for the greater good. It is impossible to use reiki to harm another person. Reiki can only be used to heal, and even that, a recipient can choose to reject the sending of reiki if he feels uncomfortable.

Much to the disappointment of mercenary charlatans, reiki cannot be taught or learned from books or websites. If you come across a website asking you to pay money in exchange for a reiki attunement via some picture or video, it is 100% a scam. To learn reiki, you need to approach a reiki Master for a face-to-face session. Courses for each of the 3 levels may range from hundred to thousands of US dollars. The rate will differ from place to place and I would suggest you do your due diligence and get your attunement from a reputable Master. Once attuned, you have access to reiki for life. There is no "maintenance fee".

At reiki level I, you gain the ability to do hands-on healing. This means that as soon as you place your palm on someone, healing energy will automatically flow from your crown chakra through your body, and then finally out via your palm to the recipient. Ergo, when you heal someone, you are consequently healed too. How's that for a win-win situation? ;-) Unless you wish to attempt long distant healing, there is no real need for you to move beyond this level.

At reiki level 2, you gain the additional ability to use symbols. There are 3 symbols granted you at the second level. The first is cho-ku-rei. This is the power symbol that increases the potency of the reiki energy available. The second is sei-hei-ki. This is the mental symbol that is especially effective for healing ailments of an emotional nature. Lastly, there is hon-sha-zei-sho-nan. This is the distant healing symbol. Using this symbol, a reiki practitioner is able to heal across distance and time.

And because reiki is such a "smart energy", I can simply arrange for sending of reiki energy to a recipient at any time, date or place. For instance, you might wish me to send reiki to you 10 days from now when you reach London from Canada. I can in fact arrange the sending today, in advance, for the energy to reach you there and then.

Got you excited so far? Don't worry, I am not selling you anything. I am also not at Master level so I will not be able to con you of your money to attune reiki for you online. However, I have been a level II practitioner of Usui Reiki for several years already. If you are keen to try distant healing, I am willing to offer a free treatment with no strings attached. Feel free to contact me for more information. ^^

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