Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Blogsvertise - earn $$$ by publishing reviews on your blog

Alright, mea culpa.

I confess I do not know if this is just another of those scams or if it is indeed something that might really work out. I came across Blogsvertise which you can evaluate for yourself at www.blogsvertise.com .

Basically, if you have a blog, you are in the running for a slice of the pie. Practically everyone has a blog - some have many, some have just one; some may even include the address(es) on their name cards, others feign ignorance. Regardless, what this site offers are review assignments from sponsors.

Blogsvertise acts as the middleman and hooks you up with sponsors who want you to review their products/services/sites/etc on your blog. The neat part is that you are already blogging anyway. You might even have posted a review on what they are paying you to do without any prior tie-up. The main criterion of your blog entry cum review is a minimum of 75 words - hardly hard at all. Then toss 3 links and off you go, with the coins clanking in your pockets.

So if you have not come across
www.blogsvertise.com , you might want to check it out. Another boon to bloggers is the payment mode. Blogsvertise pays by paypal and paypal is available to most people around the world. Hence no matter which country you are in, you do not need to fret over e.g. cheques that can get unreasonably costly when you need to cash them. Especially with the current dark clouds looming over egold (paypal's friendly competitor), I feel safe and comforted.

Beware though that Blogsvertise does not accept too-new blogs. I find mentions of 30, 60, 90 days as the minimum so the only thing I am quite sure of is that if your blog is too new, it might not be approved. But, if it is found to be of good quality (subjective of course), they might accept it on a case by case basis.

So if you are feeling tantalized already, head over to
www.blogsvertise.com and judge if it is something you want to experiment with. Good luck!

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