Monday, July 30, 2007

Write as if a million people are reading

"Hey, do you like blogging?" someone asked you.

You replied, "Er, I don't know... my blog is boring and no one reads it anyway."

Well, that is the wrong attitude.

"Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve." - Napoleon Hill

This fellow may be long departed but his words are not without sense. Reflect on the quote. Whatever your mind CAN CONCEIVE and BELIEVE, it CAN ACHIEVE. This speaks of the limitless power of the human mind.

Stuff it in a nutshell, whatever you can cook up - this dream, fantasy, hallucination or whatever you wish to call it - can materialize in reality. If you think I am spooking you, nah, I don't even have half of Potter's avocado-branded magic. Don't interrogate me either to ask if I have succeeded because my lips are sealed on this account. :-)

Back to the issue of blogging, you have to take pride in your blog. You can perhaps emulate my routine of staring at my blog idiotically for several mins a day - you know, just drooling over it without any real reason. If you are not proud of this little website you have launched onto the world wide web, who will? If you don't gush over your own writing, who will? If you think your blog is just a prep kid's joke, then for once, yes, everyone will agree with you.

The key is not how long your blog has been lurking in cyberspace or how many entries you have chalked up. No, it is not even to do with how many hits you get a day or how many "friends" you have amassed by virtue of your bulky guestbook. The key is simply - you.

Y-O-U. If you want to be proud of your blog, first *be* proud. If you want your blog to be visited by a million surfers a day, then first start enjoying it yourself. If you want your blog to be no longer just boring, then etch a new blazing trail each day with your vibrancy.

Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve. Start blogging as if you have a million fans already. =)

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