Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Tried virtual drinking yet?

Ever heard of virtual drinking? What does it mean anyway?

Ok, normally when you go drinking, you plonk yourself down in a chair at a pub with some friends. That's "reality drinking" if you must have an official unofficial term. It's "reality" because there are real people with you. Mannequin models do not count. :P

If you decide to drink alone, that's just "drinking". Drinking alone.

What if you don't feel like getting out or if the person you want to drink with is not able to meet you somehow? Perhaps she's at the North Pole while you are at the South Pole? Not that easy to meet up within the hour, is it?

So let me introduce virtual drinking.

I am assuming both parties have their favorite alcohol fix with them. Both get online or on the phone and open their bottles. Then they drink. Yes it is THAT SIMPLE. This virtual drinking from experience (*ahem*) is not really inferior to "reality drinking". The reason is that both are intoxicated (lol) and so both are more relaxed than they normally are.

Some people enjoy talking face to face. Others prefer emails or IM messages. Some may like picking up the phone. Virtual drinking will thus cater to the latter two categories of people. Try it! Make a date with your [fill in the blank here] and enjoy virtual drinking. I bet you will enjoy it as much as me. =)

PS.: I have a really hilarious video on top that is taken from the Guzer site. Go on, play it and have a good laugh. It's about drinking of course. ^^

The Hunger Site The Child Health Site The Breast Cancer Site The Animal Rescue Site


Anonymous said...

Oh...this is interesting babycake. Did you know I've been having a blast drinking with a virtual old man. \(*o*)/

Lord War Wizard said...

Geez, I hope he didn't have a pot belly too. :P

Unknown said...

Lol, erm I want one of those, but not to use it as a consumer hehe I«d own the box and let everyone use it then collect the cash hehe

Lord War Wizard said...

Hi sklc =)

So you wanna be a part-time virtual drinking buddy vending machine operator? :P