Monday, December 3, 2007

Act a clown to fight the Monday blues


Dreadful, isn't it? Why must Monday be the first day of the week? Why not... Sunday? Then again, if Sunday indeed becomes the leader, I bet you will hate it instead. :P

Since there is always a case of the Monday, this problem of not wanting to face the new week will always persist. In that case, why not try to fight it instead?

What do you do when you wake up on a Monday morning? Do you try to procrastinate as long as you can, just so that you can pretend it is not the new day yet? Do you grumble and mumble under your breath why you must suffer such a miserable life? Do you inevitably think of the tasks you would be facing later in the day and attempt to do some last minute moping?

I can go on and on and the list will never be complete. So now that we are determined to make Monday a beautiful day, how do we go about doing it? Well, for this exercise in optimism, we need a mirror. If you have a full length mirror, all the better. If not, even the reflective screen of your cellphone will do.

After you get out of your bed, before you even take your breakfast or brush your teeth, I want you to look into the mirror. Stare hard and start imagining yourself as the funniest clown ever sighted in history. Pretend you are the world's greatest pretender and try to make yourself laugh.

Contort your face, puff your checks, twist your ears, roll your eyes, stick out your tongue. Act moronic and be crazier than you thought you can ever be. And while you are at it, go ahead and make some noise. Since you will be alone when you are trying this, there is no need to feel shy at all. In fact, if your courage runs on more than a AAA battery, I urge you to spread the joker jab to the next person you see.

If you believe in karma, what goes around comes around. Make that next person laugh - make his day. Earth may never reach an Utopian state but it surely doesn't hurt to spread more joy. Don't be stingy with your gift of laughter - spread it hard and spread it wide. Let the world rejoice with you. =)

Related myLot discussion: How do you fight the Monday blues?

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