Saturday, December 15, 2007

Does a second chance help or harm?

Obama takes took drugs?

Hillary's aide quit because he mentioned it?

Well to be honest, I have not been following the U.S. politics scene. That oba-boy took drugs is somewhat new to me. But the last I heard, he was running for the post of Mr. President and standing quite a fair chance.

Yes, no doubt he has publicly acknowledged the "folly of youth" and "should" be given a second chance, but are we too liberal in giving second chances here?

I have nothing against him and I am really addressing the situation in general - that of giving others a second chance. LONG AGO, second chances were rarer than rare. If you make a mistake, you are condemned - including everyone associated with you.

Slowly, the stigma dissipated to be replaced by the glorious "second chance". You made a mistake, ok fine, just admit it and move on. Let's focus on the BIG mistakes here. If you make a BIG mistake, ok fine, we still give you a second chance.

This is all good. After all, we are none of us saints and "infallible" is not the Word of the Day. Today, we give others a second chance. Come another day, we might need others to give us a second chance. This is all so very good.

However, is this second chance "fool-proof"? What sort of signal are we sending? That we can feel free to make BIG mistakes and still get a second go? That any kid on the street should grow up on dope and alcohol then decide to run for President?

I really don't know, my friends. There are lots of merits to giving second chances. I just hope that people will not take advantage of this goodness and think they can atomic-bomb a place for fun and still be welcomed with open arms - with a second chance.

Good day.

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