Wednesday, December 12, 2007

You can sleep all you want when you are dead

"You can sleep all you want when you are dead."

Ever come across the saying above? Well, I disagree with it.

Usually, people use this saying when they want to stress that life is more than just sleeping. After all, most people spend a large portion of their life sleeping. So if you think about it, it seems such a waste. You may live till 80 but you sleep 20 years... you know, something along this line.

But hey, who can be sure what happens after death? Who can be certain that you still can feel the luxury of sleep after you die? I seriously doubt so. Whatever happens after death, I really don't think sleeping AND feeling it are likely.

I think getting enough shut-eye time is imperative if we were to enjoy a healthy and active life. If you are tired, go sleep. Turn in earlier or catch a power nap. It is no good to push yourself for fleeting satisfaction and cause permanent damage to your body. Why gain 1 sec of pleasure and suffer 2 secs of pain later on? :P

Have a good Wednesday. =)

The Hunger Site The Child Health Site The Breast Cancer Site The Animal Rescue Site


Anonymous said...

Lol, I actually felt like the picture you posted last night. Once I hit the bed, I was completely engulfed in total darkness. =)