Thursday, March 5, 2009

Will you get into a garbage truck for $200?

The day was bright and the birds were chirping. Next to this scene of beauty, a crowd was forming around a garbage truck. Yup, one of those vehicles carrying refuse stinky beyond words and if you are lucky, maggots and fleas as well.

A lady was yelling at the truck driver, insisting that he gets in to retrieve her lottery ticket. Apparently, she had thrown away her winning ticket by mistake. The crowd got larger and the commotion got louder. After all, who isn't excited when talking about a huge sum of money? And since the lady was clearly reluctant to search the garbage truck herself, one of those there offered to help. The prize money was $10 million and he said he will offer his effort for just $100k.

That lady turned around and said he was insane. She won only $200 so how can she pay him $100k to retrieve the ticket? Everyone there did a big BOO on her since given the noise she was making, everyone assumed she had won the top prize. But she retorted, "Isn't $200 MONEY?"

If it were you, would you go on a garbage truck adventure and search among the rubbish for $200? Do share your thoughts. =)

PS.: This might have happened in real life but my source is a scene in a show I watched.

Related myLot discussion: Will you get into a garbage truck for $200?

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