Monday, April 6, 2009

Has Creative Technology stooped so low?

In these tough economic times (when are times not tough? O.o), I have read that Creative Technology has not been doing too well (like many other companies too). It also has its share of pay cuts and retrenchment and this email flyer I received from them might possibly be an indication of how long the company has stooped.

Qmax is a subsidiary of Creative - Creative being the major stockholder. When Qmax first entered the foray into the Wireless@SG market, we all know it is Creative (and not "Qmax").

When I signed up for a Qmax account for wireless internet surfing, I created a special alias for it - - and never had I used the alias for any other signups. Lo and behold, this flyer dealing with Pepp was sent to this alias.

Pepp is a drug for alcohol drinkers and you can read all about its claims in the flyer above. The point here is Creative as a technology company has abused its email database. As things seem to look, unless Creative has gone into the pharmaceutical field, it has sold its database to others without users' permission for who knows how much.

Yet I used to have a certain amount of goodwill towards Creative. I want to give them the benefit of the doubt. It is not impossible that Creative's database was stolen or one or more of their employees grew itchy hands.

How much can Creative get from this? Is Creative that short of money? I just think it is not worth their reputation which I think is more than what they can get for selling a database.

Yet, if you look at the advertised telephone number, it says 6796 0355. If you pull up Qmax's website, they have 3 numbers listed:

Sales - 6796 0313
Customer Service - 6796 0350
Technical Support - 6796 0360

All these 3 numbers start with "6796 0" like the advertised number and the ending "355" falls in the range of the 3 numbers (313 - 360). Further to this, the email was sent through which adds further credence that this Pepp selling is an official effort.

Therefore one of the following seems possible:

(1) Qmax/Creative has gone into the pharmaceutical line (yet I think they need a separate licence from ACRA for that)
(2) A competitor is trying to sully the image of Qmax/Creative
(3) One or more of their employees be moonlighting and be audacious enough to steal the company database AND direct customers to his personal line to solicit business for personal gain during office hours.
(4) A lousy April Fools' Day joke because it was sent late on 5 Apr 09
(5) A bizarre marketing gimmick to get customers to sit up and take notice
(6) What else?

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