Thursday, April 2, 2009

Starhub chooses interesting translator(s)

I was checking the program guide for hot shows to anticipate.

Unfortunately as expected, Starhub loves to recycle old shows (that aren't even nice).

I clicked on this show "Crazy Companies" to see what it is about. I didn't exactly choose this particular show because of its title. Rather, I just clicked on every link to see if any bears a decent enough plot to watch.

This show is starring Andy Lau (=old show) (he really can't act so when the media pits him against Tony Leung, it gets hilarious) (how can a lousy actor complain about not getting a prize?) (but I digress) and as I was reading the description, I saw this phrase "best damaged friends". Lol... what is it supposed to mean? DAMAGED FRIENDS?

I don't know where Starhub found its translator. Or perhaps, the company simply dumped the Chinese characters into an engine like Google Translate or Babel Fish. Anyway, what 损友 really means is bad company. You know, those "friends" who lead you "astray" and teach you all those "bad" things.

Really, I have never heard of a friend being described as "damaged". Unless of course, you mean he is spruced up like a pretty vegetable on the hospital bed. Or, his body is so messed up that he is better off dead. Or, his mind has a few screws loose and all the DIY shops have run out of stock. O.O

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