Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Computers make us lose touch with spelling

Recently, I was called back to the army to serve my annual required stint.

In life, we spend one-third of our time sleeping. In army, we spend one-third of our time waiting. It is quite a perpetual game of waiting; but don't get me wrong - we do a lot of rushing too. You see, we rush to wait then wait to rush again. Loop it and you can appreciate the entire picture.

Anyway, I digress. While we were waiting and about to fall off the fringe of sanity, a friend and I decided to play hangman. It is that game where we take turns to come up with a word for the other person to guess. For instance, if I have the word "miscreant" in mind, I would illustrate the 9 letters like this:

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

The person guessing will choose a letter and the correct letters will be written out. After each wrong guess of a letter or word, a stroke will be added to the hangman-to-be. When the hangman is finally completed, it is game over for the guesser. (If you feel like playing the game, check out e.g. - this site looks real neat to me.)

I used to pride myself at having a decent competency level of English. While playing this game, I realized that I have lost touch with spelling. I used to be quite a good speller. While providing words for my friend, I was embarrassed several times because I misspelled the words I chose for him to guess. As the cliché goes, I would find a hole to hide if I was an ostrich.

Upon reflecting, I realize that I have been relying too heavily on computers. For practically all browsers and word processors, a misspelled word would be marked with a red underline. While this makes rectification of any error very convenient, it unfortunately is a bane too. You see, when I correct each word, I would immediately zoom in to the correction that is most obviously correct. If I have been spelling a word wrongly all the while, I would still be none the wiser. And in my usual haste, any slip would tend to feel inconsequential and relegated to the back of my mind. So how would I ever learn?

As a result of this incident, I am resolving to take spelling more seriously from now on. Instead of simply right clicking on a misspelled word and choosing the most obviously correct word, I shall instead do manual correction. And if it turns out that I really cannot spell the word, I shall endeavor to find the right spelling and commit it to memory.

I hope this post resonates with at least some of you and you would make the same commitment as me to strengthen your grasp on spelling. Cheers!

The Hunger Site The Child Health Site The Breast Cancer Site The Animal Rescue Site


diana said...

10 games and I won al 10 !!!

Lord War Wizard said...

That's... rocking awesome!!!