Monday, October 8, 2007

Don't stop till you are done

When we talk about public speaking, we count the pause as one of the most powerful tools in a speaker's arsenal. Beginners are cool to the "art of the pause" because most do not even know it exists. The experienced are not exactly zealous about teaching it too because one can never be sure that he has mastered it 100%.

But hey, you know that digressing is a skill that I abuse regularly so there... this article has nothing to do with public speaking (lol). :P

Instead, it has to do with why this blog has lain barren for quite a while. You see, I received a few queries from concerned friends if my brains have gotten lost somewhere. I had to retort vehemently that it was nothing of that sort and that I just ran out of ideas of what to write.

Well actually, I more like stammered in pitiful self-defence. It is not so much a lack of what to write than a lack of motivation to write. The last "real" entry was before I was called back for reservist training. After I got back, I penned one on AMD and that's that. Things seem to have come to a standstill thereafter and my blog basically took a month-long break (it wasn't really that long, was it? :P).

Anyway, the morale of the story is to not stop till you are done. Remember inertia? Once you stop, you become heavier than a barrel of beer that has grown a beer belly. Yes, beat that!

If you are handling a project currently, push yourself through all the way. Make sure you jump past all the hurdles in your way and attend that celebratory dinner before you consider it done. You have fun, yea. Enjoy. =)

The Hunger Site The Child Health Site The Breast Cancer Site The Animal Rescue Site


Anonymous said...

Hi, Lordwarwizard. I don't know if you remember me, I was once active in mylot but has since become inactive. I'm happy to see that your blog has been updated. I wish you all the best in all your endeavors :)

Lord War Wizard said...

Geez ethanmama, OF COURSE I remember you! Thanks for dropping by and I wish you lotsa joy in your life. Cheers! :D