I was making a cup of coffee and I suddenly realized that I was stirring it counterclockwise. I know I normally stir in both directions just so that the milk and coffee get a thorough mix - but there is always a default one I start with.
It is an international convention that we turn something clockwise to lock and counterclockwise to unlock. My mind jumped and it seemed appropriate to associate constructive with the clockwise direction and destructive with the counterclockwise direction. After all, if we are "unlocking", we are removing restrictions. Semblance of order will collapse and chaos will ensue - thus destructive.
So does this mean I am someone who is more apt to destroy rather than create? I paused and interrogated my inner voice. It responded that I was a good person who would rather create than destroy. ^^
So why did I stir my coffee counterclockwise? Or am I being tedious by trying to exact an explanation for something seemingly inconsequential? :P
One night passed without thinking of the question and the answer came to me without bidding. However, it is still just my own hypothesis. You see, I am right-handed. I reckon that when I stir the coffee, it will be easier and more natural to turn my right wrist inwards (counterclockwise). Likewise, if you are using your left hand, you will be more inclined to turn your left wrist inwards i.e. clockwise than outwards i.e. counterclockwise.
To clarify, it is not so much whether you are left-handed or right-handed. It is rather which wrist you are using. I mentioned about me being right-handed because this means I use my right wrist more than the left. I would also stir my coffee with my right hand and would thus turn the right wrist inwards which is counterclockwise.
Does this make sense to you? So do you stir your coffee clockwise or counterclockwise? =)
PS.: To see what myLotters have to say, check out this discussion.
You should still try my own brewed coffee baby. Perks up your senses and makes you more jittery, lol.
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