Sunday, July 29, 2007

Check out Freewebs

A friend of mine was telling me how she preferred Freewebs to Blogger. She was asking me to consider moving my blog to Freewebs instead.

Without much thinking, I told her that the two are different. Blogger specializes in hosting blogs while Freewebs focuses on the "traditional" websites. After rattling off, I decided that I've better double-check to be sure. And so, I dropped by Freewebs and mine, mine, it sure blew my mind away! (And I seem to be the last one to know given that they already have 17 million members.)

Freewebs is many things. It is more than a simple "free website offering". More, because it allows quite a few customizations that make it stand out among the crowd. Imagine the original version of a plain website, then add some bells and whistles like a blog, profile page, forum board, chat room, photo album, guestbook, mailing list, online payment tool, widgets, etc. Are you going to skip the rest of this post so that you can get a free Freewebs account right away? :P

So you see, Freewebs is indeed not an average Joe.

I have not got my account there yet and despite my hoo-ha over Freewebs, I may not get one in future too. The reason is that for now, a blog is all I need. There seems to be no urgency for me to uproot myself from Blogger just so that I can plonk myself down in another place and yet not change a whit. (I may change my mind tomorrow though LOL.)

Before you rush off to get your free account, let me share with you some "imperfections" I have found in Freewebs - and I am assuming you will start with the free plan even if you will ultimately upgrade.

- Free users are given an initial 40 MB of space only.
- Only 500 Mb of bandwidth per month (meaning 62.5 MB really, or is it a typo error on their website?)
- Accounts with no logins and no hits for 90 days may be removed for inactivity.
- No access to ASP s
cripts, MySQL, MSACCESS, and PHP even for premium members.
- CGI/Perl functionality is only available if you upgrade.

So there. Weigh your own pros and cons and see if Freewebs is for you. =)

The Hunger Site The Child Health Site The Breast Cancer Site The Animal Rescue Site