Sunday, July 29, 2007

Let's have SEX


Did I just use that 3-letter word?


Ok, guess I really did use that 3-letter word.

I was reading this article by the Daily Mail titled "Sex for the motherland: Russian youths encouraged to procreate at camp". Well, that's quite a mouth full admittedly and I had to prevent my jaws from dropping (figuratively) when I came across it.

This article which I have mirrored here called to my mind a scene of mass orgy where young lads and ladies couple together in unbridled lust. For some people at some places, having the chance to participate in such an event might be a saliva-dripping opportunity. Yet I am not quite sure if this is the participants' idea of "fun sex". After all, this camp takes place in Russia and under the supervision of the Russian government.

We (non-Russians) all have our own idea of what kind of place Russia is. I for one would not count her as one of the countries I like to stay and live in. I have my own whining about Singapore, yes, but I still would not want to make a swop and live there instead. No way! :P

In Singapore, the government has an official stand that encourages procreation too. But we have not yet had a similar camp like Russia's. The unimaginative me just cannot imagine our government shepherding teens just out of puberty to a mass camp and asking them to surrender the condoms they are secreting and just have wanton sex. Of course, I am exaggerating a bit here for I doubt the affairs at this Russian camp were taken to such a primal extent.

Yet the message was cle
ar. As the organizers at the youth camp's mass wedding put it, "Remember the mammoths, they became extinct because they did not have enough sex. That must not happen to Russia".

Remember to check out the full article here. Safe sex journey. :D

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