Friday, October 24, 2008

Yea! We've got another scam! - Olympicbux

Enters Olympicbux.

This one has been down for quite a while but I had delayed a bit as I don't want to assume the worst just because a site possibly e.g. delayed/forgot in paying the hosting fee. The last message I remember reading was "We are temporarily off-line for the new script. Come back soon." But I don't know how long this "temporarily" is.

Whether you are changing script or not, it is easy enough to maintain your site and put an Under Construction sign. Not to say this means you are therefore impeccably trustworthy but at least, you give us reason to extend the grace period.

Anyway, now that the China Olympics 2008 is over, I guess the scammer(s) saw it fit to call it a day.

I really don't quite understand what is in it for scammers. I just need you to email me (yes, I am sure you have my email) to let me know that e.g. you have tried your best but you did not manage to make the business work. That's fine. I will try to give you the benefit of the doubt and understand. I might even lend you my shoulder to cry on.

You don't just go disappearing without a word. That only screams scam.

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Anonymous said... many scammed PTC had you blogged so far. I can't believe the audacity of these people. Stealing money for their own glory. "sigh"