Monday, March 9, 2009

Do you like it when people ask your age?

How old are you? 28.
Father with 2 sons: Oh gosh, you are in the prime of your life. So young, just like a baby.

I hate it when people comment on my age this way. 28 is certainly not young in my opinion. I feel as old as a wrinkled potato and I hate people reminding me of it.

How old are you? 28.
18 yr old teenager: Geez, I am so sorry! Uncle, I didn't mean to probe... I just thought you might want to do soccer one of these days but... guess you are too old for it.

Oh thank you kiddie. I have been 18 yr old before so I don't need you to remind me of the stage you are currently at.

Either way my age is perceived (I have yet to come across a response that says it is the perfect age for whatever), I would rather the question be not asked in the first place. It also irks me when people like to ask me my age (whether deliberately or otherwise) during my birthday meals. Then they will start to try calculate it out l-o-u-d when I try to shrug it off. Somehow, some people just don't get it.

So, do you like it when people ask you your age? A resounding YES!? A sombre no? Do you desperately try to raise the question yourself? Do you pretend your ears are stuck? What is your thought on people asking you your age?

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