Wednesday, March 4, 2009

How bright is your computer monitor?

On Monday that was the start of this new week, my table lamp went down. I felt almost as blind as a bat that had lost its ears. So I went all over the place looking for the replacement tubes but nowhere could they be found. So half-sulking, I have to make do without the extra light next to my monitor till I decide to brace myself for another session of tube-hunting.

That brings to mind how reliant I am on this lamp. During the day when the light filters in through the blinds, all is fine. But when it gets into the night, the overhead lamp provides insufficient light for my computer activities. I have tried to tweak the brightness setting of my monitor. Yet, my eyes still feel uncomfortable no matter what through the entire range of brightness 0 to 100%.

How bright is your monitor? I am curious what your brightness setting is (I think the default is 50% brightness). Practically everyone I know seems to find no fault with the monitor brightness and I never hear of anyone needing an extra lamp like me.

So, is your monitor setting at 50% default brightness? Or have you customized it to your comfort? Or you never knew you could adjust the brightness? Or you knew but didn't know how to change it? And do you need an extra light like me? Or... ?

Related myLot discussion: How bright is your computer monitor?

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