Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Mediacorp Internet Radio closed - what a shame

Oh boy, am I disappointed... over my side, I have been recommending Mediacorp Internet Radio to my friends. I told them how cool this service is and that this massive jukebox is my first choice of music.

Well yesterday, I felt like listening to radio and I got hit by an error message. I thought nothing of it, thinking it was just a temporary service disruption. But today, the same thing happened so I clicked on for the details and realized they had terminated the service altogether. The site used to be at and it has apparently been shifted to (I had to do a search to dig it back up).

Whichever, Mediacorp is no longer providing music via the Internet. Not since a few days ago on 1st Mar 09. I think it is a real shame as the Internet has a much wider reach than mere FM. So the company wants to go retro? Mediacorp thinks cavemen rock? I see.

Really, I am beginning to see great future in this company.

Update: Today, I realize from a newspaper report that I have wronged Mediacorp. Apparently they have been "forced" to close their online streaming stations. It seems that Mr. Rips has decided to impose a licensing fee on them should they wish to continue, a fee that is supposedly 5 figures per station per year. Granted that it is still not a lot for them, nevertheless I don't recall seeing any advertisement on their online streaming. From a free value-added service to paying just trying to be nice... so, I can understand where they are coming from.

As such, Mediacorp, please accept my apologies for wronging you.

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